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Coastal Resilience in an Era of Rapid Sea Level Rise

Rising sea levels due to climate change have put people, the natural and built environment at severe risk not only on the California coast, but throughout the state. Flooding affects housing and transportation infrastructure and rising groundwater releases buried toxics, with disproportionately impacting low-income communities of color bearing the greatest burden. The price tag to mitigate these dangers to community and economic wellbeing are staggering, with over $110 Billion projected for the Bay Area alone.

With historic amounts of public funding now in available to support climate resilient physical and social infrastructure in Northern California, a just transition towards climate resilient communities is possible. Leadership throughout Northern California is responding with community-centered, resilient approaches. On the Northern Coast, in Humboldt, a network of organizations is moving forward with a set of nature-based solutions. And in numerous places along the California Coast, multiple tribal nations are working collaboratively to protect and restore coastal and marine ecosystems through Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and Tribal Science practices. In the Bay area, Bay Adapt, which is facilitated by the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, represents a regional strategy for a rising bay.

At this upcoming convening, we’ll discuss equitable, climate resilient solutions that are growing in momentum, each with its own unique set of strategies and tactics. We’ll learn from a set of local stakeholders working across sectors on issues related to navigating the disproportionate impacts on low-income, communities of color. You’ll also have an opportunity to share with and hear from other NCG members active throughout Northern California.

Pastries and coffee will be provided.


  • Build stronger relationships between funders across a spectrum of climate resilience intersections 
  • Enhance funder knowledge and awareness of sea level rise, hazard mitigation, tribal resilience, climate justice, housing
  • Seed ideas for potential funder collaboration and advocacy


Kristina Hill

Director, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, and Associate Professor

Valentin Lopez


Violet Wulf-Saena

Executive Director


Smart Growth California
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